MplusAutomation 1.2
- feature: New pathfilter argument to readModels allows for selection of outputs to read based both on path name (pathfilter) and file name (filefilter)
- feature: New mplusModel object that simplifies inline integration of Mplus and R.
- feature: New submitModels function supports asynchronous submission of Mplus models on high-performance clusters using slurm or torque
- feature: Rewrote parser for fixed-width Mplus output objects (esp. SAVEDATA files). Now 10x faster!
- feature: Use data.table fread for reading delimited files (e.g., BPARAMETERS). Approximately 10x faster!
- feature: Parser for SAVEDATA outputs now handles massive records where Mplus splits records across rows (esp. SAVE = FSCORES)
- feature: readModels extracts odds ratios and their confidence intervals into $parameters$odds and $parameters$ci.odds, respectively. Addresses #192.
- feature: readModels extracts results of the R3STEP procedure in $r3step. Closes #204
- feature: readModels extracts new H5RESULTS object from Mplus v8.11 in $h5results
- notice: Package namespace has been cleaned up to remove long-deprecated functions including extractModelSummaries, extractModelParameters, and extractModIndices.
- bugfix: readModels now detects filefilter arguments that use $ or ^ to denote the end or beginning of a string, respectively, and also handles ".out" being included in filefilter Addresses #194.
MplusAutomation 1.1.2
- bugfix: Break file paths > 90 chars in prepareMplusData and mplusModeler to avoid line length errors
MplusAutomation 1.1.1 (2024-01-30)
- feature: multi-class columns are now treated as their first class in prepareMplusData()
- feature: extract alternative parameterizations of categorical latent variables (thanks to sam-crawley for the pull request)
- bugfix: handle bparameters files that have additional iterations, usually from factor scores. Fixes Github Issue #138
- bugfix: use detectMplus() inside createMixtures to avoid assumptions about location
- bugfix: various updates to avoid length > 1 logical test failures in R 4.3+
- bugfix: documentation updates to usage sections to correct CRAN concerns
- notice: removed rlang import dependency
MplusAutomation 1.1.0 (2022-04-06)
- bugfix: fixed a bug in handling multiply imputed data introduced in 1.0.0
- bugfix: In readModels, $data_summary now contains cluster-level information for THREELEVEL models. Fixes Github Issue #18.
- bugfix: Handle 'Undefined' fields in MODEL RESULTS sections
- bugfix: Fix matrix-list confusion in reading specific indirect X sections in v8 output
- feature: Parse SUMMARY OF DATA section for crossclassified models. Fixed Github Issue #163
- bugfix: Update examples to avoid use of URLs for CRAN compliance
MplusAutomation 1.0.0 (2021-07-01)
- notice: Most functions are now quiet by default. Functions now print less messages/output to the console during regular runs. This can be changed using the new quiet argument available (e.g., in readModels(), mplusModeler(), etc.). Thanks to cjvanlissa for the pull request.
- notice: The default of SummaryTable() is now "none", to prevent accidental printing to console. Thanks to cjvanlissa for the pull request.
- feature: There are now more informative error message for mplusObject() without results section. Thanks to cjvanlissa for the pull request.
- feature: Add methods for mixturesummarytable for all types of MplusAutomation output. Thanks to cjvanlissa for the pull request.
- feature: Pass arguments for mplusObject() and mplusModeler(), specified through createMixtures(), on so that users can fully customize these calls. Thanks to cjvanlissa for the pull request.
- feature: prepareMplusData() now handles multiply imputed data. Thanks to cjvanlissa for the pull request.
- feature: mplusObject() gains arguments modelout and dataout, which makes it easier to create a list of model objects. Thanks to cjvanlissa for the pull request.
- feature: There are new convenience functions, get_*() to extract all first-level results from mplusObjects(). Thanks to cjvanlissa for the pull request.
- feature: Table sorting is more robust and there is a new argument, sortBy = NULL to avoid sorting. Thanks to cjvanlissa for the pull request.
- feature: Unit testing has been added to check that a variety of Mplus User Guide examples are read in correctly.
- feature: readModels() now returns the entire raw output file. This means that R objects from Mplus can be saved and contain all needed output. Mplus text input/output files do not need to be kept for a complete record. The raw output file is stored in the $output list element.
- feature: MplusAutomation now tries harder to find an Mplus (or Mplus Demo as a fallback) command in an OS independent way thanks to new function detectMplus(). This takes over the default Mplus_command argument in runModels() and mplusModeler(), which should mean it works more often, on more platforms, without users needing to specify the command/path to Mplus.
MplusAutomation 0.8-1
- feature: prepareMplusData can create dummy codes for categorical variables using the dummyCode argument
- bugfix: handle extraction of parameters from mixture model outputs in Mplus 8.6 (new top-level sections)
MplusAutomation 0.8 (2020-10-14)
- feature: Extract parameters from EFA outputs (thanks to Dani Mori for the excellent foundation!)
- feature: Extract TECH10 bivariate model fit (thanks to Sam Crawley!)
- feature: Extract residuals from invariance models. Addresses Github issue #95
- feature: Extract model-estimated correlations and correlation residuals
- feature: Support BAYES outputs in compareModels
- feature: Add PPP values for Bayesian Monte Carlo outputs
- feature: Support PSR PPPP section in tech8
- feature: Add NLatentClasses to $summaries if available. Fixes Github Issue #103
- feature: Extract results from "Results/Parameters for Class-specific Model Parts" sections (e.g., ex8.12)
- feature: Refactor runModels to support a vector of folder and files to execute (target argument).
- notice: Removed getSavedata_Bparams in favor of readModels.
- bugfix: Extract standardized estimates from MONTE CARLO outputs
- bugfix: Parse univariate sample statistics for multiple groups models (ex5.27)
- bugfix: Extract R-SQUARE information from multilevel analyses (where header order is reversed)
- bugfix: Restore accidental section match for PSR subsection that led to TECH8 failure
- bugfix: Extract invariance tests when only two models are compared
- bugfix: Extract RESULTS IN PROBABILITY SCALE for models that only provide an Estimate column, like ex5.5 GPCM. Fixes Github Issue #118
- bugfix: Preserve other columns like LatentClass for RESULTS IN PROBABILITY SCALE section. Fixes Github Issue #103
- bugfix: Correct factor conversion notes in prepareMplusData. Provide conversion notes as a printed data frame for clarity.
- bugfix: Extract specific indirect effects in Mplus v8.4+. Updated parser to handle new section headers. Fixes Github Issue #117
- bugfix: Parse categorical latent variable names correctly for multiple latent variable models
- bugfix: Parse univariate sample statistics for single-variable models
- bugfix: Handle relative paths appropriately in files provided to runModels. Fixed Github Issue #87
MplusAutomation 0.7-3 (2018-11-25)
- feature: Support use of plausible values for factors in BAYES output using SAVE=FSCORES(NIMP) approach
- feature: readModels provides initial support for extraction of SUMMARY OF DATA section, including ICCs in 2-level models. See $data_summary.
- feature: Allow input files to have .in or .inp extension to increase compatibility with lavaan lavExport.
- feature: Extract residual DSEM outputs containing ^
- feature: Initial support for extraction of RESULTS IN PROBABILITY SCALE output. See $parameters$probability.scale from readModels().
- feature: prepareMplusData can now hash filenames for multiply imputed data. Hashing is done for individual files, so that as long as all files exist, the order can be re-arranged or imputations can be dropped and still no new data needs to be written (closes issue #53).
- feature: prepareMplusData now is more efficient at converting datasets to numeric and utilizes fwrite to increase speed of writing out datasets (closes issue #54).
- feature: new utility function mplusAvailable() attempts to determine whether Mplus is installed and findable on the system.
- bugfix: Extract modification indices for thresholds
- bugfix: Abstract invariance testing summary extraction from Caspar van Lissa into a separate function.
- bugfix: Fix pred/outcome swap in specific indirect sections
- bugfix: Handle spaces in SAVEDATA variable information section in Mplus v8+ (e.g., SAVE=FSCORES in BSEM).
- bugfix: Improve parsing of mixture outputs in mixtureSummaryTable.
MplusAutomation 0.7-2 (2018-04-06)
- feature: A host of new features for mixture modeling (thanks to Caspar van Lissa!). See createMixtures, mixtureSummaryTable, plotMixtures, plotGrowthMixtures, plotLTA.
- feature: Extract standardized indirect effects using readModels(). $indirect now has the same basic section structure as $parameters.
- feature: Extract indirect effect confidence intervals (unstandardized and standardized) using readModels(). Look at $indirect$ci.unstandardized etc.
- notice: getSavedata_Data is now deprecated. Use readModels(what="savedata")$savedata for comparable results
- bugfix: small fix to structure of indirect summaries to avoid lists nested within data.frames.
MplusAutomation 0.7-1 (2018-01-31)
- notice: For consistency, covariance.coverage has been renamed covariance_coverage in the list returned from readModels
- notice: extractModelSummaries and extractModelParameters have been removed in favor of readModels.
- notice: citation to paper about MplusAutomation provided at startup
- feature: Refactored readModels parser for identifying major sections. Speeds up function by 7-12%.
- feature: new 'quiet' parameter for readModels to suppress progress messages.
- feature: new 'what' parameter for readModels to specify sections to extract.
- feature: Switch to readLines instead of scan for readModels. 1-2% speed increase.
- feature: Add local_tmpdir argument to runModels to use location of .inp file for Mplus temporary files (useful for avoiding collisions with multiple Mplus instances)
- feature: lookupTech1Parameter now accepts an mplus.model object, as generated by readModels()
- feature: Support multiple groups output for MODEL INDIRECT
- bugfix: Extract r2 output for Mplus v8 outputs using multiple imputation (has rate of missing column)
- bugfix: Correction for false positive match on model fit information from new LCA TECH10 output.
- bugfix: Extract delta (scale factors) vector from TECH1.
- bugfix: Support different format of MODEL INDIRECT direct effects in v8
MplusAutomation 0.7 (2017-07-14)
- notice: extractModelSummaries and extractModelParameters are deprecated in favor of readModels. These will be removed in the future.
- feature: prepareMplusData() and mplusModeler() now have option to not write data, thanks to sda030
- feature: mplusObject(), mplusModeler(), update(), and createSyntax() all now accommodate monte carlo simulations in Mplus
- feature: New methods for the confint() function to extract and format confidence intervals. This also allows confidence intervals with the texreg package
- feature: initial support for extracting MODEL INDIRECT output. See $indirect element from readModels().
- feature: initial support for extracting SAMPSTAT output. See $sampstat element from readModels().
- feature: initial support for extracting counts and proportions of categorical data. See $sampstat$proportions.counts element from readModels().
- feature: extract covariance coverage from "COVARIANCE COVERAGE OF DATA" section. See $covariance.coverage element from readModels().
- feature: runModels now accepts a single .inp file or a directory as the target
- feature: readModels now uses tryCatch statements to wrap extraction. This should more gracefully handle unexpected errors.
- feature: extract potential scale reduction output for ESTIMATOR=BAYES models. See $tech8$psr element from readModels().
- bugfix: Support for Mplus v5 confidence intervals.
- bugfix: R2 extraction for models with estimates and scale factors alone
- bugfix: Handle outputs using DATA IMPUTATION to impute missing data, then analyze a model in older versions of Mplus
- bugfix: Handle parsing input section in older Mplus (v6.12 and before, I believe) where there was no termination statement
- bugfix: Extract SRMR from TYPE=THREELEVEL models, if available (Github issue 18)
- bugfix: Workaround for missing Within Level header for Categorical Latent Variable section of CINTERVAL output in multilevel mixtures (Github issue 25)
- bugfix: Extract summary statistics for EFA outputs with warning "Too many factors were requested for EFA." (Github issue 45)
- bugfix: initial support for mplusObject() to recognize lists of variables: x1-x5 expands to x1, x5, and all variables between, when autov=TRUE (Github issue 37), should also be detected whenever a model is updated via update()
- bugfix: Extract summary statistics for EFA outputs with warning "Too many factors were requested for EFA." (Github issue 45)
- bugfix: Skip over a parameter section header with no parameter estimates (rare output for growth model)
- bugfix: Support latent class output sections that contain non-numeric characters (ex8.15.out: "Latent Class C#1")
- v8 support: Handle removal of leading '1' from TECH output row names for parameter vectors (matrixExtract)
- v8 support: Extract Prior Posterior Predictive P-Value. See $PriorPostPred_PValue in $summaries
- v8 support: Extract Within-Level Standardized Estimates for TWOLEVEL models (ex9.32.out). See $wilevel.standardized in $parameters from readModels()
- v8 support: Support output for AR(1) output variables labeled &1
- v8 support: Extract Steps section from GPCM IRT output (e.g., ex5.5pcm.out)
- v8 support: Extract updated IRT PARAMETERIZATION output, including item discriminations, locations, categories, guessing, and upper asymptote
- v8 support: Initial support for measurement invariance outputs having multiple model fit and results sections
MplusAutomation 0.6-4 (2016-06-09)
- feature: prepareMplusData() and mplusObject() / mplusModeler() now handle multiply imputed data
- feature: added extraction of Chi-Square Test of Model Fit for Binary and Ordered Categorical section
- feature: added extraction of Chi-Square Test for MCAR under the Unrestricted Latent Class Indicator Model section.
- feature: added extraction of R-SQUARE output
- feature: support extraction of equality tests of means using the BCH, DCON, and DU3STEP procedures
- feature: support means/intercepts and multiple groups in modification indices
- bugfix: read parameter level headers of TYPE=THREELEVEL output
- bugfix: matrixExtract was failing to read in Mplus Fortran-style scientific notation (e.g., 1.5533D-06).
- bugfix: extractParameters_1chunk was failing to read in Base Hazard Parameters sections from output files
- bugfix: matrixExtract gave improper output when column headers were non-unique
- bugfix: extract class counts properly from Mplus v7.3+, which changed the section headers
- feature: added new function, SummaryTable() which is a generic interface to create summary tables and output to the
console, popup, HTML, LaTeX, or markdown to support a wider variety of reproducible documents.
MplusAutomation 0.6-3 (2014-10-10)
- feature: readModels tries hard to extract estimation errors and warnings into $errors and $warnings, respectively.
- feature: coef methods for mplus.model and mplusObject class objects are smarter allowing extract methods and the use of texreg package for prettier output
- feature: mplusObject tries hard (with a note) to guess variables to include from the dataset if usevariables is missing
- variable name explicitly mentioned when factors are converted to numeric codes by prepareMplusData.
- bugfix: mplusModeler only runs the input file it generated in a directory now (thanks to Huashan Chen)
- bugfix: remove trailing slash from path in runModels to avoid file.exists bug on Windows.
- bugfix: only kill mplus.exe processes on Windows when runModels fails
- added killOnFail parameter for runModels to give user option of whether to kill mplus.exe processes on failure.
- bugfix: pickup new top-level section marker "Available post-processing tools:"
- bugfix: residuals output section naming changed.
- bugfix: support summary tables for single model input.
MplusAutomation 0.6-2 (2013-10-24)
- feature: initial support for extracting TECH7 (sample stats within latent classes)
- feature: initial support for extracting TECH12 (observed versus estimated sample statistics for TYPE=MIXTURE analyses)
- loosen dependency on relimp and tcltk packages to permit installation and loading of MplusAutomation without these.
- read more summary statistics from Mplus MONTECARLO outputs
- read dispersion parameters for NB models
- readModels overall and pairwise comparisons of latent class means (Auxiliary E). Thanks to Davide Morselli for initial code.
- bugfix: readModels was failing when confidence intervals were in probability scale.
- bugfix: readModels failed to extract BIC for some ESTIMATOR=BAYES outputs.
- bugfix: extract class counts for cases where k > 9 classes estimated.
- bugfix: change mplus.traceplot to use names from rhdf5 and permute to chain, iteration, param to match prior code.
MplusAutomation 0.6-1 (2013-05-09)
- bugfix: fixed plyr namespace imports
- bugfix: fixed runModels log file when NULL
- corrected line length problems in documentation.
- deleted old createTable routine (not used)
- removed fields to extract from extractSummaries_1file (not useful).
MplusAutomation 0.6 (2013-05-06)
- feature: create Mplus model objects, automatically create and run models using mplusModeler
- feature: generate code for residual covariance structures for latent growth models using mplusRcov
- feature: initial support for extracting standardized confidence intervals
- feature: extract all details of bootstrapped likelihood ratio test
- feature: initial support for extracting IRT parameterization model results (see $irt.parameterization).
- added basic documentation for functions including internal functions
- support 6-column output from multiple imputation analyses that contain "rate of missing" column.
- fixes to quiet scan commands (thanks to Mikko Ronkko)
- fixes to use of system call on Mac/Unix (thanks to Mikko Ronkko)
- move to rhdf5 package (hdf5 no longer maintained)
MplusAutomation 0.5-4 (2013-02-15)
- feature: readModels extracts warnings and errors.
- feature: prepareMplusData now optionally allows for a .inp to be written or for interactive selection of a filename.
- feature: readModels now stores (somewhat) parsed Mplus input syntax in $input (read from the INPUT INSTRUCTIONS in .out file).
- feature: readModels now parses error messages from Monte Carlo output (TECH9) into tech9.
- feature: Mplus software version now extracted as Mplus.version in model summaries.
- feature: showSummaryTable, LatexSummaryTable, and HTMLSummaryTable now accept model lists from readModels (no need to extract summaries from each).
- feature: readModels extracts SAMPLE STATISTICS FOR ESTIMATED FACTOR SCORES section associated with PLOT3 into fac_score_stats.
- feature: extractTech1 now parses TAU(U) sections in mixture models with class-varying thresholds.
- refactored SAVEDATA parsing to handle Mplus v7 output, which reordered sections in some cases.
- to enhance formatting, createModels no longer strips blank lines from the template file. Thanks to Ronkko Mikko for the suggestion.
- bugfix: createModels value lookup during init processing was broken. Thanks to Ronkko Mikko for the bugfix.
- bugfix: finding the end of the input was failing when an error was encountered in Mplus parsing the input.
- bugfix: plyr 1.8 rbind.fill no longer accepts NULL inputs, which was breaking model summary extraction.
- bugfix: reading savedata files was failing for Monte Carlo output when files could not be found.
- bugfix: support 7-column format for BAYES output that includes significance column.
MplusAutomation 0.5-3 (2012-08-08)
- bugfix: in runModels, Mplus_command with spaces would cause error because not quoted.
- bugfix: testBParamConstraint and testBParamCompoundConstraint did not appropriately combine mcmc lists.
- feature: readModels extracts TECH3 output from SAVEDATA: TECH3. Stored in $tech3$paramCov.savedata when available.
(Thanks to Joe Glass for code to extract free format matrices.)
- feature: testBParamCompoundConstraint and testBParamConstraint now accept mplus.model object (from readModels).
- feature: mplus.traceplot to plot the MCMC chain convergence for Bayesian models that have a gh5 file and PLOT: TYPE=PLOT2.
(Thanks to Joe Glass for initial plotting code.)
- include empty gh5 list if unable to read.
MplusAutomation 0.5-2 (2012-07-12)
- feature: divide BPARAMETERS by MCMC chain and separate burn-in (first half) versus valid draw (second half).
(Adapted from code and insights graciously provided by Florian Boeing-Messing.)
- feature: Bparameters stored as mcmc.list to promote compatibility with coda package (coda now imported).
(Thanks to Davood Tofighi for the suggestion.)
- feature: readModels imports corresponding gh5 file, if it exists, into list element gh5 (requires hdf5 package).
- feature: readModels extracts TECH3 parameter covariance and correlation matrices from output, when available (OUTPUT: TECH3).
- feature: readModels extracts latent class counts and probabilities (only works for models with one categorical latent variable).
- bugfix: Corrected failure to identify "SAMPLE STATISTICS FOR ESTIMATED FACTOR SCORES" header.
- bugfix: Chi-square difference test for MLR based on LL did not work for models with only LL and Parameters.
- bugfix: Scales section of model parameters was not being read properly.
- bugfix: matrixExtract (tech1, residuals, etc.) now handles blank section appropriately.
- updated MplusAutomation Examples vignette to reflect greater functionality of readModels.
MplusAutomation 0.5-1 (2012-04-03)
- TECH1, RESIDUALS, and TECH4 extraction now support latent class models and multilevel models
- Added extraction of GAMMA(C) and ALPHA(C) to TECH1 routines.
- Extracts chi-square difference test results computed using DIFFTEST.
- compareModels prints DIFFTEST results when available.
- bugfix: compareModels now prints RMSEA by default when available.
- remove dependency on reshape package.
- Extraction of conditional latent class means, auxiliary(e), now supported by readModels.
- Workaround for bparameters extraction where Mplus does not include categorical latent variable means.
- bugfix: readModels TECH1 output now extracted properly for TYPE=IMPUTATION.
MplusAutomation 0.5 (2011-12-09)
- new function compareModels to compare model summaries and parameters.
- compareModels supports chi-square difference testing using diffTest=TRUE.
- extraction of TECH11 output supported by extractModelSummaries.
- extraction of TECH1 output supported by readModels.
- added utility function lookupTech1Parameter to find a given parameter number in output.
- extraction of TECH4 output supported by readModels.
- extraction of RESIDUALS output supported by readModels.
- extractModelSummaries now reads summaries (e.g., DIC) from ESTIMATOR=BAYES output.
- getSavedata_Fileinfo now supports extraction of Monte Carlo variable names.
- getSavedata_Data now automatically extracts Monte Carlo/Multiple Imputation data as a list.
- removed wine as default for running Mplus on Linux now that Mplus is native for Linux.
- specify runModels default mplus location on Mac as /Applications/Mplus/mplus.
- several updates to MplusAutomation Vignette.
- showSummaryTable allows user to specify font.
- added more examples to R help files.
- bugfix: getSavedata_Data was calling read.table instead of read.fwf after Bparams code was added.
- bugfix: iterator tags nested within other tag types in template init section were not replaced by createModels.
- bugfix: getSection now identifies SAVEDATA INFORMATION header correctly.
MplusAutomation 0.4-3 (2011-07-25)
- throw specific error when createModels encounters a template file with no body tags (come back later to allow for this).
- changed names of return list from getSavedata_Fileinfo: breaks compatibility.
- initial support of reading Bayesian parameters from SAVEDATA BPARAMETERS command.
- provide inequality constraint tests for bayesian parameter estimates: van de Schoot, Hoijtink, Hallquist, & Boelen, submitted.
- initial support of model parameter extraction for Monte Carlo output (MONTECARLO: and MODEL POPULATION:) using extractModelParameters.
- initial support of unstandardized confidence interval output from OUTPUT:CINTERVAL (thanks to Stephen Tueller for initial development of this)
- reworked detection of major output sections to match a fixed list of options (decrease ambiguity)
- bugfix: extractModelParameters correctly handles nonconverged output, where only estimates are available.
- savedata file information now included in readModels list in element savedata_info.
MplusAutomation 0.4-2 (2011-03-19)
- initial support for extracting model modification indices, when available: extractModIndices
- bugfix: Corrected problem with extractModelSummaries failing when analysis or data sections were at the end of the input.
- bugfix: Corrected whitespace stripping for cases where leading and trailing space is present.
MplusAutomation 0.4-1 (2011-02-14)
- initial support for extracting fit statistics from DATA: TYPE=MONTECARLO output (external Monte Carlo)
- show summary routines now check to make sure that all columns requested are present in the summary data.frame.
- show summary routines now check for the sortBy column for cases where the sort field is missing.
- bugfix: properly handle blank sections in model results output.
- bugfix: getSavedata_Fileinfo now properly handles relative and absolute paths in the savedata location.
- better debug output for extractModelParameters.
MplusAutomation 0.4 (2010-11-03)
- unified model parsing function readModels() implemented. Returns list of summaries, parameters, and savedata output.
- completely refactored extractModelSummaries. Now handles more summary statistics, including initial support of MI output.
- extractModelSummaries now drops any fields that are all missing.
- preliminary support for extracting model summary statistics from EFA output.
- bugfix: warning for missing LL now falls appropriately after extraction of estimator in extractModelSummaries
- bugfix: grabResultsSection failed when there was more than one match for a section header.
- bugfix: extractModelSummaries now correctly extracts SRMR for multilevel models.
- extractModelSummaries now retains only the filename, not the path, in the Filename field.
- bugfix: getSavedata_Data now properly handles output file located in the working directory.
- changed getSavedata_Data to give a warning, not error, when save data not present in output.
- restrict extractModelSummaries function to TESTS OF MODEL FIT output.
- bugfix: prepareMplusData now correctly converts factors to numbers.
- bugfix: prepareMplusData converts periods in variable names to underscores.
- reorganized source files for improved clarity
MplusAutomation 0.3-3 (2010-07-24)
- extractModelParameters extracts 6-column output from estimator=bayes models (Mplus V6).
- extractModelParameters supports (most) older output format from Mplus 4.2 and later.
- extractModelParameters function now accepts a single output file or a directory, like extractModelSummaries. Return a list if multiple files.
- extractModelParameters now extracts unstandardized and standardized results, where available. Returns a list. resultType is deprecated.
- extractModelParameters now extracts constraints listed under "New/Additional Parameters".
- bugfix: extractModelParameters omitted latent class regression coefficients in mixture models.
- bugfix: extractModelParameters could not locate section end for some standardized parameters.
- bugfix: extractModelParameters failed to identify latent class membership with multiple categorical latent variables.
- Changed runModels to limit Windows-specific command line tweaks to R running on Windows computers.
- Removed InputInstructions from extractModelSummaries routine. Made output too cluttered.
- In extractModelSummaries routine, only warn about missing log-likelihood for ML estimators.
- Changed runModels_Interactive to use native TCL directory browser on non-Windows machines.
- Improved runModels_Interactive to place log file in same directory as run target, unless otherwise selected.
- Changed Mplus call in runModels to use relative filename after changing to the proper directory (improves Linux runs).
- bugfix: corrected runModels attempt to write log file when NULL specified.
- plyr 1.0 hid (and changed) the splitter_a function, which made createModels fail. Replaced splitter_a with homespun function.
MplusAutomation 0.3-2 (2010-05-22)
- Added prepareMplusData convenience function, used to export data from R to Mplus.
- Fixed bug in updateCurrentValues that would stop the createModels pipeline when there were no array tags in the init.
- Fixed bug in processConditionalTags that would delete the body section when there were no matching tags.
MplusAutomation 0.3-1 (2010-05-18)
- Removed two browser calls from processInit that were causing pauses in createModels.
- Reduced console output from createModels (no more "current iterator is" output)
- Refactored extractModelParameters to handle complex outputs (e.g., multiple groups with twolevel)
- Refactored extractModelParameters to read standardized estimates from WLS and MUML estimators.
MplusAutomation 0.3 (2010-05-10)
- Corrected bug with getSaveData_Fileinfo not reading integer-format variables (e.g., I5).
- Includes first implementation of Mplus template language: createModels function.
- Improved handling of runModels log file. Was closing the file before exitRun had completed.
- Fixed bug in isLogOpen that caused it to error when logFile was NULL.
- Improved parameter checking in splitFilePath
- Removed createTable function (now divided into LatexSummaryTable, HTMLSummaryTable, and showSummaryTable functions)
- Updated Vignette for Mplus template language.
MplusAutomation 0.2-5 (2010-04-03)
- Extracts Baseline Chi-square, SRMR, and WRMR using extractModelSummaries.
- Allows target for extractModelSummaries to be a single file or a directory.
- extractModelParameters now successfully extracts multiple group analyses.
- Fixed minor bug in extractModelParameters for calculating keyword match length.
- Fixed minor bug in regular expression for parseChunk matching leading/trailing spaces (handled by strip.white).
MplusAutomation 0.2-4 (2010-03-19)
- Added package vignette (in the inst/doc directory).
- Included NEWS file.
- Added flush commands to log file writing in runModels to allow for progress tracking.
MplusAutomation 0.2-3 (2010-03-13)
- Separated table-creating functions (previously createTable) into three related routines:
showSummaryTable, HTMLSummaryTable, and LatexSummaryTable. createTable will be removed in future
versions of the package.
MplusAutomation 0.2-2 (2010-03-11)
- Improved extractModelSummaries function to allow for summary statistics located across multiple lines.
New summaries include model chi-square, RMSEA, CFI, and TLI.
- Corrected a bug in extractValue that did not select the correctly utilize match.length from regexpr
(failure to subtract 1 in substr).